
Friday, November 5, 2010

Blog Post #8 Wedding Crashers

Title Of The Movie: Wedding Crashers
Director: David Dobkin
Actors/Performers(at least two): Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Christopher Walkin
Year: 2005

Medium Film

1) The two main male characters in the movie behavior towards other men in the movie are less aggressive. The men seem to get along with others whom share the same mentality ass them. On the other hand the two main characters behavior towards other women are agressive in a seductive manner. The two men gogal are just to get inand get out on the day to day bases in women lives. I do consider there behavior masculine. My reason for this is because in the eye of other males when you see a guy who sleep with many women he is consider to manly. Manly in the sense of matter the more women you have proves one masculinity to other men.

2)The movie emphasis more on the relationship between males and females. There are different views on how the opposing sex meet another. Also the movies shows the ups and down in relationships that people experience in the every day life. I feel as if there is a major connection between the movie and what David Grazian discusses about males. From what David discusses and the movie project men are consider to be a predator and women are our pray.

3)The ultimate message seem to be follow your heart and never shy away from what you set your mind on. The masculinity that

1 comment:

  1. These are interesting observations about the film, The Wedding Crashers, and how males' behavior is guided by their pursuit of women. Why is the thrill of the chase and sleeping with a lot of women a marker of masculinity, as you observe in relation to this film and Grazian's article? What I'm curious about is whether men who are in committed, monogamous relationships considered equally masculine as men who behave like the characters in The Wedding Crashers?
    Please write your reflection and compose a Work Cited entry for a film, following the appropriate format from The Little Penguin Handbook.
